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The Role of the EU Courts in Competition Cases: A View...

By: Alfonso Lamadrid (Chilling Competition) One year ago, I had the opportunity to partake in the Global Competition Law Centre's Annual Conference as a panelist....

The Future of Innovation in News Production: Models for Sustainability –...

Below, we have provided the full transcript of our panel discussion The Future of Innovation in News Production: Models for Sustainability. Read below to...

Section 230 Reform in an Era of Big Tech – Panel...

Below, we have provided the full transcript of our panel discussion Section 230 Reform in an Era of Big Tech. Read below to see...

What to Do About LIBOR: A Special CPI Webinar

Nov 28, 2012 On Nov. 20 CPI and Global Economics Group assembled an all-star team to ask several questions: Should LIBOR should be tweaked, overhauled, or...

Interchange Fees: Optimal Regulation

Panelists analyze various theories on interchange, focusing in particular on the tourist test. Thibaud Vergé notes that the tourist test doesn’t work well in all...
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