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Tag: Pandemic

Robbin’ Hood

Robbin’ Hood

Is it an antitrust offense to sell face masks at a high price in the midst of a pandemic? In this essay I address...
Price Gouging in a Time of Sea Change

Price Gouging in a Time of Sea Change

The purpose of price gouging laws is to prevent excessive pricing and profiteering in a state of emergency. But price gouging laws in the...
The New Transatlantic Attack on High Prices Price Gouging

The New Transatlantic Attack on High Prices: Price Gouging

The COVID-19 outbreak has generated a surge of consumer complaints and governmental investigations about excessive pricing and price gouging. Anti-price gouging laws seek to...
Interim Measures Remedy Deal Price Gouging COVID-19

Interim Measures: A Remedy to Deal with Price Gouging in the...

Interim measures are cease-and-desist orders that can be issued when there is an imminent risk of serious and irreparable harm to competition. The adoption...
Price Gouging Under Brazilian Competition Law

Price Gouging Under Brazilian Competition Law: Better Left Dormant?

Price gouging is a hot topic in the antitrust community as a result of COVID-19, and Brazil is no exception. In this article, we...
The Failing Firm Defense Times of (the COVID-19) Crisis

The Failing Firm Defense in Times of (the COVID-19) Crisis: Is...

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has affected all areas of economic activity and competition law was not spared. Regulators around the world had to deal...
Canadian Merger Review Assessing Failing Firm Claims Market Conditions Disrupted by COVID-19

Canadian Merger Review: Assessing Failing Firm Claims in Market Conditions Disrupted...

The disruption of the economy due to COVID-19 is leading some companies to experience financial difficulties and struggle for survival. It is not unlikely...
Failing Firm Doctrine During COVID-19 South Africa

The Failing Firm Doctrine During COVID-19: A Perspective from South Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to result in a large number of firms facing financial distress. This will likely lead to increased merger notifications...

Spain Sees New Hotel Mergers Amid Pandemic

Spanish hotels, blighted by empty beds during the pandemic, may find their best way out of the crisis is to sell up or buy...

EU OKs €2B For Italian Credit Insurance Market During Pandemic

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €2 billion Italian scheme to support the trade credit insurance market in the...
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