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Tag: Oligopoly


Getting Antitrust and History in Tune

By Brian R. Cheffins (University of Cambridge) Antitrust is high on the reform agenda at present, associated with calls to “break up big tech.” Proponents...

Oligopoly Coordination, Economic Analysis, and the Prophylactic Role of Horizontal Merger...

By Jonathan B. Baker (American University) & Joseph Farrell (University of California) This article takes a fresh look at a longstanding issue in antitrust economics...

Accommodating Capital and Policing Labor: Antitrust in the Two Gilded Ages

Posted by Social Science Research Network Accommodating Capital and Policing Labor: Antitrust in the Two Gilded Ages By Sandeep Vaheesan Abstract:      In enacting the antitrust laws,...

Are Vessel Sharing Agreements Pro-Competitive?

Posted by Social Science Research Network Are Vessel Sharing Agreements Pro-Competitive? By Federico Quartieri (University of Naples Parthenope) Abstract:      Attention is focussed on a type...

Antitrust Risk Re-assessment in Newly Concentrated Markets: Practical Ways to Preserve...

By Samantha Mobley & Grant Murray - This article explores what sorts of compliance precautions a company can consider when it finds itself in a highly...


In this issue: Collective Dominance Frederic Depoortere, Giorgio Motta, Oct 08, 2009 The Doctrine of Collective Dominance: All Together Forever? What are the policy objectives underlying...

Alive and Kicking: Collusion Theories in Merger Analysis at the Federal...

Malcolm Coate, Jun 19, 2012 This paper explores the use of collusion theories in merger analysis at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”). The 1992...

Credit Rating Agencies and Competition Law

Nicolas Petit, Aug 26, 2011 It will have taken policy makers an extra financial crisis to realize that financial markets should not be hostage of...

Credit Rating Agencies and Competition Law

Norman Neyrinck, Nicolas Petit, Aug 30, 2011 It will have taken policy makers an extra financial crisis to realize that financial markets should not be...

Collective Dominance Through the Lens of Comparative Antitrust

MAndrey Shastitko, Aug 30, 2011 A new stage in the development of the Russian antitrust policy began in 2006, due to the development and adoption...
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