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Tag: Office of Fair Trading


In this issue: The OFT and Private Actions Elizabeth Morony, Luke Tolaini, May 03, 2007 The Office of Fair Trading and Private Antitrust Litigation The UK Office of...

Making Markets Work Well: The U.K. Market Investigations Regime

Andrea Coscelli, Antonia Horrocks, Sep 11, 2014 Competition policy is recognized by the U.K. government as a key driver of productivity and growth. The CMA's...

Competition Law Enforcement in the U.K. Grocery and Food Sectors and...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Mark Jones, Jun 30, 2014 In recent years the U.K. grocery and food industries...

Bitter Sweet The OFT’s Recent Approach to Food Mergers

Richard Blewett, Jul 15, 2013 Tempers frayed earlier this year when the U.K.'s Office of Fair Trading ("OFT") referred A.G. Barr plc's acquisition of Britvic...
hotel booking

Expedia and Booking.com: Agent or Distributor?

Ioannis Kokkoris, Jan 24, 2013 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Expedia and Booking.com: Agent or Distributor? by Ioannis Kokkoris*...

Shop ‘Til You Drop: Retail Mergers and the U.K. Competition Review...

Richard Blewett, Oct 15, 2012 The use of survey evidence in retail merger reviews has been a feature of U.K. merger control for several years,...

Will the New U.K. Competition and Markets Authority Make Better Antitrust...

Bruce Lyons, May 14, 2012 I focus in this paper on institutional change and decision making in the new CMA. There are also other important...

It Takes One to Tango: The Single U.K. Competition And Markets...

Valentine Korah, Despoina Mantzari, May 14, 2012 The focus on good institutional design, as an important component of strong competition policy and enforcement, has become...

Functional Separation in the U.K. Competition Regime

Renato Nazzini, May 14, 2012 In March 2012, the U.K. Government published its Response to a consultation on options for reform of the competition regime issued...

The Removal of Dishonesty from the Cartel Offence and the Publication...

Ruchit Patel, May 14, 2012 In March 2011, the U.K. Government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills ("BIS") consulted upon proposed reforms to the U.K....
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