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What Can Make Competition Compliance Programmes Really Effective? By Sabine Zigelski & Lynn Robertson

What Can Make Competition Compliance Programmes Really Effective?

This article draws the business community’s and competition agencies’ attention to selected topics that would benefit from more attention when considering effective competition law...
Competition and Regulation: Friends or Foes?

Competition and Regulation: Friends or Foes?1

By Christine Ryu-Naya, Jane Antonio & Santos Leyva Rubio2   A stellar panel of competition experts from around the world gathered to debate the relationship between...
Recovery Promoting Competition Friendly State Measures

Back to the Recovery: Promoting Competition Friendly State Measures

By Ruben Maximiano1   To ensure a robust economic recovery, competition principles need to be built into the design and execution of the State measures that...
OECD Regional Center for Competition in Latin America

The OECD Regional Center for Competition in Latin America: First Steps...

By Paulo Burnier da Silveira1   Introduction The OECD Regional Center of Competition (“RCC”) in Latin America is a joint venture between the Peruvian Competition Authority (“INDECOPI”)...
Gender Prioritization Principle and Criterion in Competition Agencies

Incorporating Gender as a Prioritization Principle and Project Selection Criterion in...

This article presents the preliminary results of an OECD-sponsored project to consider how competition agencies might achieve greater gender inclusiveness in setting priorities and...

OECD Roundtable Quadriptych

Click here for a PDF version of the article Highlights from the OECD Roundtable on the Role of Competition Policy in Promoting Economic Recovery -...

France & Biden Team Ready To Talk Trade, Taxes

European nations are hoping that an expected thaw in their relations with the US, after the change of administrations, will include an agreement over...

OECD’s Tax Reform On Big Tech Will Be Presented At G20 

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which is based in France, announced that its worldwide tax reform blueprint will be put in...

Trump Nominates Top Aide To Head Up OECD

The United States plans to nominate deputy White House chief of staff Christopher Liddell to become the next secretary general of the Organisation for...

Delrahim To Participate In The OECD’s Virtual Meetings

Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim and other senior officials from the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division will participate in the virtual meeting of the...
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