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Interim Measures in Unilateral Conduct Cases

Interim Measures in Unilateral Conduct Cases: Dealing with Uncertainty and Risks...

By Caio Mario S. Pereira Neto1   As pointed out in the OECD’s recent Background Note (OECD 2022), interim measures are an important tool designed to...
Competition Policy in Times of Inflation

Competition Policy in Times of Inflation

By Richard May & Antonio Capobianco1   After years of appearing low and stable in many countries, inflation has recently risen across the developed world. The...
The Ten Principles of Ex Ante Competition Regulation

The Ten Principles of Ex Ante Competition Regulation

By John Taladay and Paul Lugard*   Introduction Governments and competition agencies considering new laws to regulate competition need not act blindly. Without much experience in...

Cooperation on Digital Competition: From Cooperation to Enhanced Cooperation

Cooperation agreements establishing the possibility of an exchange of information between competition authorities are in general based on two hypotheses. First, they assume that...
Tackling the Winds of Change: Market Studies on Emerging Competition Issues

Tackling the Winds of Change: Market Studies on Emerging Competition Issues

By Patricia Bascunana-Ambros & Renato Ferrandi1   I. What Are “Emerging Competition Issues” Emerging competition issues (or risks to competition) can be described as scenarios in which...
The Covid-19 Take-Off of Competition Advocacy in Asia Pacific

The Covid-19 Take-off of Competition Advocacy in Asia Pacific

Competition advocacy has played an important role in the Asia-Pacific. The COVID-19 crisis has only increased its importance, but it has also shown advocacy...
Sustainability and Competition: How Competition Law Enforcement Needs to Be Overhauled to Achieve Sustainability Goals

Sustainability and Competition: How Competition Law Enforcement Needs to Be Overhauled...

By Roman Inderst2 & Stefan Thomas3   Austria and the Netherlands are two examples where since 2021 the goal of (ecological) sustainability has been enshrined in...
Due Process in Competition Law Enforcement

Due Process in Competition Law EnforcementThe New OECD Recommendation on Transparency...

By Despina Pachnou1   Competition law enforcement is part of a country’s overall law enforcement and is shaped by a country’s legal system, history, and culture....
2- Economic Issues in Assessing Potential and Nascent Competition Andrew Elzinga Nikhil Gupta Margaret Kyle and Vivek Mani

Economic Issues in Assessing Potential and Nascent Competition

Potential and nascent competition have seen renewed interest from academics, antitrust practitioners, and United States enforcement agencies in recent years. For example, the Federal...
All That Glitters – A Look Back at the Antitrust Division’s Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs and What to Expect By Craig Lee & Alexandra Glazer

All That Glitters – A Look Back at the Antitrust Division’s...

In July 2019, the Antitrust Division issued the first written guidance for the evaluation of corporate antitrust compliance programs. Also, for the first time,...
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