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Tag: Noncompetes

A Review of the Economic Evidence on Noncompete Agreements

A Review of the Economic Evidence on Noncompete Agreements

By Gabriella Monahova & Kate Foreman1   I. Introduction In January, the FTC proposed a rule that would ban essentially all noncompete agreements (“noncompetes” or “NCAs”) in...

Why The Feds Want To Kill Noncompetes

 By Evan Campbell, Slate You might think of noncompete agreements as mostly limited to highly skilled, highly paid tech workers to protect trade secrets. But...
The Anticompetitive Effects of Covenants not to Compete

The Anticompetitive Effects of Covenants not to Compete

Covenants not to compete, which prevent workers from quitting their employer and moving to a competing employer, have ambiguous effects on welfare, according to...
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