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By: Robert Connolly (Cartel Capers) One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any...
Are Businesses Shying Away from Non-Competes in Response to Increased Antitrust Scrutiny of Labor-Related Issues?

Are Businesses Shying Away from Non-Competes in Response to Increased Antitrust...

By Bruce McCulloch, Meredith Mommers, & Tyler Garrett1   I. Increased Antitrust Scrutiny of Labor-Related Issues It is no secret that labor antitrust issues recently have received...
M&A and Non-Compete Clauses in Ecuadorian Competition Law and Practice

M&A and Non-Compete Clauses in Ecuadorian Competition Law and Practice

By Luis Marin-Tobar & Daniela Irigoyen-Samaniego*   Ecuador has had a standing competition law since October 13, 2011, when the Organic Law for the Regulation and...

State Antitrust Enforcement Of No-Poach Agreements And Non-Compete Agreements

As both federal and state enforcers begin treating non-compete and no-poach agreements to be anti-competitive in violation of the Sherman Act, the question becomes...
States and Non-Competes: Where Are Things Headed?

States and Non-Competes: Where Are Things Headed?

By Schonette J. Walker & Arthur Durst Non-competes have been used in employment contracts for centuries. In the past few decades however, perhaps because their...
China: Non-Compete Clauses in the Transactional Context

China: Non-Compete Clauses in the Transactional Context

Non-compete clauses in agreements between competitors can be problematic under antitrust rules. China is no exception. A sub-set of non-compete arrangements between competitors –...
Labor Practices Can Be an Antitrust Problem Even When Labor Markets Are Competitive

Labor Practices Can Be an Antitrust Problem Even When Labor Markets...

In this article I argue that labor practices that are detrimental to workers can be an antitrust problem even if the labor market is...
Non-Compete Agreements: Might They be Procompetitive in Healthcare?

Non-Compete Agreements: Might They be Procompetitive in Healthcare?

There have been recent calls for nationwide bans on non-compete agreements. Such sentiment is no surprise in healthcare, particularly in physician labor markets. And...
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