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Enforcing Competition Law in the English Health Care System

Enforcing Competition Law in the English Health Care System

The UK Department of Health and Social Care has published a white paper titled Integration and innovation: working together to improve health and social...
Rethinking Competition in Healthcare Reflections from a Small Island

Rethinking Competition in Healthcare – Reflections from a Small Island

After approximately 30 years, and following a decisive move towards integrated care systems, competition reforms in English healthcare seem to be rejected, even though...

CMA Levies Fines Of £2.3M In NHS Pharma Probe

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has formally concluded that 3 pharmaceutical companies took part in an illegal arrangement in relation to the supply...

UK Has Concerns Over Private Hospital Merger

Both Circle and BMI provide elective care to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) and privately funded patients in the UK. BMI manages 52...
Amazon logo on a wall

EU: Government Amazon State aid in NHS deal is causing concerns

The UK’s Government has been accused of breaching State aid rules by allowing Amazon to have access to public national health service (NHS) data...

The Challenge of Competitive Neutrality in Public Procurement and Competition Policy:...

Simon Taylor, Jul 14, 2011 Competitive neutrality describes the aim of a level playing field in mixed public/private markets, where state-owned or quasi-public bodies line...
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