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Tag: Net Neutrality


US Democrats To Present Bill To Restore ‘Net Neutrality’

Two US Senate Democrats active in internet issues are working on a bill to restore landmark "net neutrality" rules that would bar telecommunications companies...

US Court of Appeals Will Hear Californa’s Net Neutrality Law

A US Court of Appeals on Wednesday said it will not reconsider its decision in January to uphold California's net neutrality law. A three-judge panel of...

Ajit Pai Stands By Net Neutrality Repeal As Dems Take Over 

Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman, Ajit Pai, discussed his reflection on repealing net neutrality and his legacy at the agency less than a...
Net neutrality

US: Court upholds net neutrality repeal

Net neutrality laws could return at the state level after a US court ruled on Tuesday (October 1) that the Trump administration cannot block...

US: ISPs join DOJ against California’s net neutrality law

The broadband industry's four main lobbying groups are joining forces to stop California's net neutrality law from taking effect. On Wednesday, October 3, lobby groups...

US: DOJ sues California over net neutrality rules

The Department of Justice (DOJ) sued California over its new new neutrality law, a little over an hour after Gov. Jerry Brown  signed the bill, reported...

US: California net neutrality bill easily passes the Assembly

The California Assembly voted Wednesday, August 29, to enshrine net neutrality in state law, delivering a major victory to advocates looking to require an...

US: Net neutrality officially ends

  The controversial repeal of Obama-era net neutrality protections is officially set to take effect on Monday, June 18, despite ongoing efforts from members of...

India: Net neutrality rules could be world’s strongest

India's telecom regulator has published recommendations strongly backing net neutrality, bringing the country a step closer to what could be the world's most progressive...

Canada: Trudeau “very concerned about the attacks on net neutrality”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is none too pleased with the American plan to dismantle net neutrality. Speaking to reporters, Trudeau said the US Federal...
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