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Tag: Most-Favored Nation

Most-Favored Nation Clauses: A Business Need But Unresolved Topic in Mexico

By Luis Omar Guerrero-Rodríguez and Martín Michaus-Fernández Most-favored nation clauses (“MFN”) have become a topic of concern for competition authorities worldwide. Competition authorities around the...

Most Favored Nation Clauses: A French Perspective on the Booking.com Case

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Olivier Billard, Pierre Honore, May 15, 2015 As e-commerce is soaring, competition authorities across...

Online Hotel Booking

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Edurne Navarro Varona, Aarón Hernández Canales, May 15, 201 Online retail has radically changed...

Competition Policy and Regulation in Credit Card Markets: Insights from Single-sided...

Dennis Carlton, Ralph Winter, Jan 30, 2015 This paper reexamines the economics of two common features of credit card networks: the interchange fee paid by...

The Anticompetitive Potential of MFNs

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle James Nieberding, Aug 22, 2014 Under competition, sellers independently set their prices and often...
Online economy

Online Platforms: Retailers, Genuine Agents or None of the Above?

Jun 20, 2013 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Online Platforms: Retailers, Genuine Agents or None of the Above? by Matthew...
Books image

Another chapter in the EC’s commitments policy? The e-books commitments

Marcus Pollard, Rosario Maria Rende Granata, Nov 22, 2012 As the European Commission is set to accept an offer by Apple and four book publishers...

The Second Circuit’s Starr Decision: Why Twombly Demands More

Aaron Panner, Mar 26, 2010 In Starr v. Sony BMG Music Entertainment,  plaintiffs alleged that Sony BMG, EMI, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group—which...
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