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Tag: Monopsony

Digital economy

Labor Organization in Ride Sharing – Unionization or Cartelization?

By Mark Anderson (University of Idaho) & Max Huffman (Indiana University) The sharing economy brings together the constituent parts of a business enterprise into a...
Collusion in the Labor Market: Intended and Unintended Consequences

Collusion in the Labor Market: Intended and Unintended Consequences

In an effort to improve profits, employers sometimes collude in local labor markets. This has occurred recently in the markets for hardware and software...
Monopsony Power and COVID-19: Should We Appoint Exempt Monopsonists to Deal With the Crisis?

Monopsony Power and COVID-19: Should We Appoint Exempt Monopsonists to Deal...

The novel strain of coronavirus COVID-19 has upended countless areas of life, from home economics to the structure of global supply chains. Key supplies...
No Poaching Agreements and Antitrust Enforcement

No Poaching Agreements and Antitrust Enforcement

No-poaching agreements are agreements among rival employers to not recruit or hire another firm’s employees. These agreements affect the price of an input and...
Hospital Consolidation and Monopsony Power in the Labor Market for Nurses

Hospital Consolidation and Monopsony Power in the Labor Market for Nurses

The U.S. has faced a persistent nursing shortage since World War II. Monopsony power is often considered a contributing factor to this chronic shortage....
Measurement of Market Concentration Faced by Labor Pools: Theory and Evidence From Fast Food Chains in Rhode Island With No-Poaching Clauses

Measurement of Market Concentration Faced by Labor Pools: Theory and Evidence...

No-poaching clauses in franchise agreements recently have attracted widespread attention from the press, state Attorneys General, private litigations, and Congress. The concern is that...
Towards an Economic Theory of Amateurism: The NCAA, Antitrust, and the Student-Athlete

Towards an Economic Theory of Amateurism: The NCAA, Antitrust, and the...

Confusion and disagreement over the distinction between paying student-athletes to play and providing them with financial aid for their education has made intercollegiate sports...

Consumer Welfare On Trial at the FTC

November 2018 Consumer Welfare On Trial at the FTC By Marshall Steinbaum (Roosevelt Institute)1 On November 1st, the FTC held its public hearing on the consumer...

Antitrust Remedies for Labor Market Power

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust Remedies for Labor Market Power  By Suresh Naidu,  Eric A. Posner,  E. Glen Weyl Recent research indicates that labor market power has...
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