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Tag: Monopolization

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FTC v. Qualcomm: Origins and Problems

By Matthew Spitzer (Northwestern University)1 The District Court’s opinion finding Qualcomm guilty of antitrust violations in a case brought by the Federal Trade Commission2 is on appeal to...

Innovation by Dominant Firms in the Market: Damned If You Don’t…...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Innovation by Dominant Firms in the Market: Damned If You Don't... But Damned If You Do? By Francisco Marcos (IE...

Tying, Exclusivity, and Standard-Essential Patents

Posted by Social Science Research Network Tying, Exclusivity, and Standard-Essential Patents By Erik Hovenkamp (Harvard Law School) Abstract:      When a technological standard is adopted, implementers...

Price Discrimination as a Violation of the Sherman Act

Posted by Social Science Research Network Price Discrimination as a Violation of the Sherman Act By Ramsi Woodcock (Georgia State University) Abstract:     The advance of the...
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