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Tag: Monopolization

0-ANTITRUST CHRONICLE - February 2023 - Mergers as Monopolization

Antitrust Chronicle® – Mergers as Monopolization

Dear Readers, It has long bubbled under the surface, but there is an inherent tension between the archetypal monopolization/abuse of dominance provisions of global antitrust...
2-Mergers As Monopolization By Allen Grunes

Mergers as Monopolization

We tend to think of mergers and monopolization as separate and distinct branches of antitrust. Using Section 2 to attack mergers raises the question...
5-Ending Monopolization Via Mergers: How And Why To Restore Legislative Intent Behind The U.s. Anti-Merger Laws By Ron Knox

Ending Monopolization Via Mergers: How and Why to Restore Legislative Intent...

Mergers have been a persistent tactic by which powerful companies grow their power and monopolize markets. In passing and amending the Clayton Act, Congress...

Montana Man Pleads Guilty To Criminal Attempted Monopolization

The president of a paving and asphalt contractor based in Billings, Montana, has pleaded guilty to attempting to monopolize the market for highway crack-sealing...

DOJ Antitrust Division “Absolutely” Prepared to Criminally Charge Illegal Monopolization Conduct

By: Jon Cieslak (The Antitrust Attorney) The U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division made waves recently by indicating that it is prepared to bring criminal charges for...

The Economic Rationale of United States v. Google

By Germán Bet, Roger D. Blair & Javier D. Donna (University of Florida) In 2020, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed an antitrust suit against...

Mergers Involving Nascent Competition

By A. Douglas Melamed (Stanford) Mergers involving nascent competition are a hot topic in antitrust circles, especially in light of the pending FTC case against...

Algorithmic Predation and Exclusion

By Thomas K. Cheng (The University of Hong Kong) & Julian Nowag (Lund University) The debate about the implications of algorithms on competition law enforcement...

Making Sense of Monopolization: Antitrust and the Digital Economy

By Daniel Francis (Harvard) For more than a century, courts and scholars have searched without success for a general definition of monopolization. Some proposals rely...

FTC Charges Broadcom With Illegal Monopolization

The Federal Trade Commission said Friday it has proposed to settle charges against Broadcom for allegedly monopolizing markets for semiconductor components for television and...
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