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Tag: Mobile Network Operators

EU: Google faces new complaint over Android

Open Internet Project, whose members include Axel Springer and Getty Images, on Tuesday accused Alphabet unit Google of imposing anti-competitive curbs on Android smartphone...

Mobile Fixation? A Review of Recent EC Decisions in the Telecoms...

By Sascha Schubert - The EU telecoms sector has gone through several years of intense M&A activity, characterized by horizontal 4:3 mobile consolidation on the one...
Windows Mobile

H3G/Orange Austria – Mobile consolidation and regulatory reaction

Antonio Bavasso, Dominic Long, Dec 20, 2012 In this moth’s Europe column, Antonio Bavasso and Dominic Long (Allen & Overy LLP) discuss the EU Commission’s...

Mobile Virtual Network Operators: Beyond the Hyperbolae

Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, Apr 19, 2007 The diffusion of mobile telephony has been very fast. In the European Union, in 2005 426 million people,...
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