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Sep-07(1) & (2)

In this issue: The Court of First Instance's Decision in Microsoft Sep 14, 2007 Background on: Microsoft v. Commission of the European Communities Background, case history...

Microsoft v. European Commission: Sounds Good In Theory But . ....

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Robert O'Donoghue, Sep 20, 2007 Few cases in the annals of antitrust law have...

CPI 4(1)

A Colloquy on the CFI's Judgment in Microsoft Eleanor Fox, Apr 24, 2008 Microsoft (EC) and Duty to Deal: Exceptionality and the Transatlantic Divide This article examines...

Merger Control in China: Understanding MOFCOM’s Unique Approach

May 29, 2014 CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: Merger Control in China: Understanding MOFCOM’s Unique Approach - Sébastien J. Evrard...

Bundling and Tying: Should Regulators Use the Per Se Approach or...

Sonia Di Giannatale, Alexander Elbittar, Dec 20, 2012 A firm that practices tying in the United States can be committing a per se violation of...

The Next Big Thing

Allen Grunes, Dec 12, 2012 Pop quiz: What do antitrust cases involving the leading PC operating system, a national association's rules about real estate listings,...

Fines for Abuse of Dominance in “High Tech” Markets

Benoit Durand, Andreas Reindl, Oct 01, 2012 Blockbuster fines have become a trademark of European Commission abuse of dominance cases. Intel's EUR 1 billion fine...

Competition Policy and Property Rights

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle John Vickers, Jun 30, 2009 One of the most controversial questions in current competition...

Competition and Innovation Policy

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Philip Lowe, Jul 12, 2008 Innovation and competition go hand in hand. Innovative markets...

The Thirteenth Chime of the Clock

R. Hewitt Pate, Apr 24, 2008 Few judgments of the European Court of First Instance (CFI) have attracted as much attention or controversy as the...
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