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Tag: Michelin

Will There Be Article 82 Guidelines and What Are the Implications?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Liza Lovdahl-Gormsen, Apr 15, 2008 The question that is the title of this article...

Will There Be Guidelines on Article 82 of the EC Treaty?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Cani Fernandez, Apr 16, 2008 During the 1990s, the European Commission started to reform...
Loyalty Rebates – A Corporate Counsel Guide

Loyalty Rebates: An Assessment of Competition Concerns and a Proposed Structured...

David Spector, Sep 01, 2005 Like most pricing practices, loyalty rebates may benefit or harm consumers according to the circumstances. This paper reviews the pro-competitive...

Mario Monti’s Legacy for Competition Policy in Article 82

Claus-Dieter Ehlermann, John Ratliff, Apr 01, 2005 Commissioner Mario Monti's impact on Article 82 of the EC Treaty during his period as EC Competition Commissioner...

A Commentary on DG Competition’s Discussion Paper

Bill Allan, Apr 01, 2006 DG Competition's discussion paper appears to signal a departure from the form-based approach articulated most strongly in Michelin II. However,...
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