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Tag: Merger Review

An Analysis of China’s Merger Control System

Rong Hongzhi, Cui Shufeng, Jan 25, 2012 In the three plus years since the Anti-Monopoly Law ("AML") entered into force on August 1, 2008, China...

Merger Control Reform in Brazil

Leopoldo Pagotto, Victor Pavon-Villamayor, Nov 30, 2011 The main purpose of merger control is to secure the competitive structure of markets by identifying, ex ante,...

Merger Control Under the New Brazilian Competition Law

Paulo Leonardo Casagrande, Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto, Nov 30, 2011 On November 30, 2011, Law n. 12.529—the New Brazilian Competition Law—was formally enacted...

Brazil’s New Competition Law: Promising but Challenging

Ana Paula Martinez, Mariana Tavares de Araujo, Nov 30, 2011 Accompanying Interview: Besides the Article summarized below, we're pleased to present an interview with Mariana Tavares...

Crony Capitalism and Antitrust

Maurice Stucke, Oct 31, 2011 This flexibility in legal standards is attractive to testifying experts, lobbyists, and antitrust counsel who "know" and "can work" with...

Will the 2010 Merger Guidelines Survive the DOJ’s Complaint in U.S....

Geoffrey Manne, Joshua Wright, Oct 31, 2011 AT&T's proposed acquisition of T-Mobile presents an opportunity for judicial scrutiny of the newest iteration of the Department...

Merger Control in India: Partial Implementation of the ICN Recommended Practices

Neil Campbell, Sorcha O'Carroll, Jul 14, 2011 India's new merger regime illustrates how the International Competition Network's Recommended Practices for Merger Notification and Review Procedures...

A Presentation on Assessment of Market Power and Dominance

David Evans, Jun 01, 2011 Now if antitrust were a movie, then market definition, which Professor Schmalensee has talked about earlier, is surely the star....

The New Indian Merger Control Regulations: How Does the Balance Tilt?

Ankita Goel De Mallik, Vijaya Sampath, Apr 15, 2011 The Utilitarianism concept of the "greater public good" is the underlying basis of many laws in...

India’s New Merger Control Regime: An Economist’s Perspective

Rameet Sangha, Apr 15, 2011 India's new merger control regime will come into force on June 1, 2011. This article describes what consulting economists would...
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