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Tag: Merger Remedies

No-Remedies Policy Merger Enforcement

Fix It or Forget It: A “No-Remedies” Policy for Merger Enforcement

The inherent limitations of remedies as a method of resolving competitive concerns with mergers have become more evident. The expansive use of remedies in...
Conduct Remedies With 2020 Hindsight: Have We Learned Anything in the Last Decade?

Conduct Remedies, With 2020 Hindsight: Have We Learned Anything in the...

Ten years ago the U.S. antitrust agencies began using conduct remedies more frequently and more expansively than ever before. Research and experience, however,...
Non-Self-Enforcing Remedies and the Recent Modification to the Ticketmaster/Live Nation Merger Consent Decree

Non-Self-Enforcing Remedies and the Recent Modification to the Ticketmaster/Live Nation Merger...

Merger remedies may be offered by the merging parties or demanded by antitrust enforcers in cases in which a merger promises benefits to consumers...
Structural vs. Behavioral Remedies

Structural vs. Behavioral Remedies

The European Commission’s remedial practice displays important differences in the type of remedies accepted in merger as opposed to antitrust cases. This paper briefly...

MOFCOM Publishes Draft Merger Remedy Rules

May 21, 2013 CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: MOFCOM Publishes Draft Merger Remedy Rules - James Modrall, Matthew Bachrack,&...
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