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Tag: Merger Investigations

Brazilian Competition Policy in 2022: A Year with Lasting Impacts

Brazilian Competition Policy in 2022: A Year with Lasting Impacts

By Ademir Antonio Pereira Jr., Yan Villela Vieira & Gabriel de Aguiar Tajra1 This article discusses key developments in Brazilian Competition Policy in 2022. Here,...

State and Federal Antitrust Enforcement: Complementary or Just Confusing?

Elinor Hoffmann, Nov 19, 2012 Our federalist system and our belief in the social, political, and economic benefits of competition have spawned a multiplicity of...

The State of State-Federal Cooperation at the Antitrust Division: A View...

Mark Tobey, Nov 14, 2012 Under the leadership of former Assistant Attorney General ("AAG") Christine Varney and Acting Assistant Attorneys General Sharis Pozen and Joseph...

State-Federal Relations

Kathleen Foote, Nov 14, 2012 Antitrust enforcers in the offices of state attorneys general frequently find ourselves between a rock and a hard place when...

Parallel Federal/State Antitrust Investigations

Stephen Houck, Nov 14, 2012 Most state antitrust enforcement actions are brought by a single state acting on its own rather than jointly with other...

Reflections on Bush Administration M&A Antitrust Enforcement and Beyond

Ilene Knable Gotts, James Rill, Apr 30, 2009 The election of Barack Obama as President and the culmination of the Bush Administration mark an appropriate...

Why We Need to Measure the Effect of Merger Policy and...

Dennis Carlton, Apr 30, 2009 In this article, I explain the inadequacy of our current state of knowledge regarding the effectiveness of antitrust policy towards...
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