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Tag: Merger Guidelines


Pandemic Puppies and Private Equity

One of the perhaps unexpected consequences of the pandemic is the dramatic increase in pet ownership. Beginning in 2019, but continuing through the pandemic,...
Is Concentration Actually Increasing, or Are We Just Defining Markets More Narrowly?

Is Concentration Actually Increasing, or Are We Just Defining Markets More...

By Keith Klovers* & Robert Kulick**   In a recent notice requesting public comment on potential changes to merger enforcement, including revisions to the Horizontal Merger...
3- Updating the Merger Guidelines: A Dynamic Reboot

Updating the Merger Guidelines: A Dynamic Reboot

In this article we offer a number of recommendations for updating the merger guidelines. Our comments address six distinct areas: (1) the guidelines’ structure, (2)...

Bringing the CMA’s Merger Assessment Guidelines up to Date

By: Alex Hazell & Rebecca Saunders (CMA) On the 18 March, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) adopted revised guidelines on how it assesses mergers. The previous Merger Assessment...
The Jury Is Out: An Assessment of Proposed Reforms to Australia’s Merger Control Regime for Addressing Competitive Harm in the (Digital) Economy

The Jury Is Out: An Assessment of Proposed Reforms to Australia’s...

Recently, competition authorities globally have been advocating for law reform to enhance their enforcement powers in relation to so called "killer acquisitions." In July...

FTC Facilitates Lively Debate on the Future of Vertical Merger Enforcement

November 2018 FTC Facilitates Lively Debate on the Future of Vertical Merger Enforcement By Blair Kuykendall (Dechert)1 The FTC hosted two panels on November 1st to...

Market definition

Posted by Social Science Research Network Market definition By Steven C. Salop (Georgetown University), Serge Moresi & John Woodbury (Charles River Associates) Abstract:     We explain the...

The Ad Hoc Approach To Telecommunications Mergers: The Public Interest Compromised?

By Warren Grimes - It is difficult to find consistency in the U.S. Justice Department’s (“Antitrust Division”) responses to the wave of telecommunications mergers. AT&T was barred from...

The Final Piece In The Jigsaw: An Analysis Of The Draft...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Robert O'Donoghue, David Parker, Mar 14, 2007 On February 13, 2007, the European Commission...

The Proper Role of Privacy in Merger Review

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Darren Tucker, May 29, 2015 There have been increasing calls for the Federal Trade...
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