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Tag: Market Concentration

Solving the Lack of Competition in the Baby Formula Market

Solving the Lack of Competition in the Baby Formula Market –...

By Michal Halperin1   The recent baby formula crisis has shown the weaknesses of a market in which 80% of production is controlled by two companies...
The Limits of Antitrust in the New Economy

The Limits of Antitrust in the New Economy

The rise of industrial concentration throughout the US economy has brought antitrust policy to the center of public debate. In many different sectors, a...
Professional and Trade Associations Back on the Antitrust Front

Liu et al. and the Good and Bad in Economics

By: Ramsi Woodcock (What am I Missing?) The Good Is the Story The good is that the paper tells a plausible story about why the current...
Some Observations on Claims That Rising Market Power Is Responsible for U.S. Economy Ills and That Lax Antitrust Is the Villain

Some Observations on Claims That Rising Market Power Is Responsible for...

This paper evaluates the recent literature claiming that the U.S. economy has generally become less competitive causing the U.S. economy to perform poorly and...

Antitrust in the Internet Era: The Legacy of United States v....

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust in the Internet Era: The Legacy of United States v. A&P By Timothy J. Muris (George Mason University) &...

CRCAL Presents: Workshop on the State of Competition in Key Economic...

Rodrigo Rios, Aug 19, 2013 The Regional Competition Center for Latin America (CRCAL), the World Bank (WB), the Bank Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP), and the...
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