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Tag: Market Analysis

U.S. Antitrust Enforcement in 2013: Where Are We Going, and Why?

Kent Bernard, Jan 15, 2013 U.S. antitrust law is like a huge cargo ship in at least two respects: It takes time to change direction,...

Using a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut: Why China’s Anti-Monopoly Law...

Angela Zhang, May 20, 2011 On December 18, 2009, Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court issued a ruling in favor of Baidu, Inc., a leading search...

Jeffrey Rohlfs’ 1974 Model of Facebook: An Introduction and Reprint

Richard Schmalensee, May 17, 2011 Jeffrey Rohlfs' pioneering 1974 study of demand in the presence of network externalities, which make each actor's demand for some good...

A Tale of Two Games: Membership Versus Usage in Platform Competition

Estelle Cantillon, Pai-Ling Yin, Jul 27, 2010 Demand in platform competition is characterized by a 2-stage game: first, demanders decide whether to adopt a platform,...

The Impact of Behavioral Economics on Consumer and Competition Policies

Eliana Garces, Apr 01, 2010 Interesting questions are being asked about the policy implications of relaxing commonly held assumptions about how people make decisions. If...

What Does Behavioral Economics Mean for Competition Policy?

Matthew Bennett, Amelia Fletcher, Liz Hurley, David Ruck, Apr 01, 2010 This paper looks at whether behavioral economics fundamentally changes our understanding of competition policy....

Behavioral Economics and Merger Analysis

Alison Oldale, Apr 01, 2010 The papers in this volume by Eliana Garcés, and Matthew Bennett, John Fingleton, Amelia Fletcher, Liz Hurley & David Ruck...

Behavioral Economics, Consumer Protection, and Antitrust

Michael Salinger, Apr 01, 2010 In both consumer protection and antitrust, the use of standard economic analysis has generally been to limit the scope of...

Why We Need to Measure the Effect of Merger Policy and...

Dennis Carlton, Apr 30, 2009 In this article, I explain the inadequacy of our current state of knowledge regarding the effectiveness of antitrust policy towards...

Introduction to Chapters VII and IX of Augustin Cournot, Researches into...

Michael Salinger, Apr 24, 2008 In November 2007, the European Commission accepted a set of guidelines concerning its review of non-horizontal mergers. The section on...
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