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US: Cravath antitrust partner nominated for NY Court of Appeals

Cravath Swaine & Moore partner Rowan Wilson has been nominated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo to the Court of Appeals, the governor’s office said Monday. Cuomo...
Territoriality Isn’t Over

Territoriality Isn’t Over

By Robert O’Donoghue - This article examines territoriality through the lens of the Iiyama case, the High Court’s main findings, and where the judgment leaves us...

Microsoft after Fifteen Years

Keith N. Hylton, March 20, 2016 United States v. Microsoft Corp. (Microsoft III) is now fifteen years old, and that I would write such a...

A Fleet Without a Captain? Taking Stock of European Antitrust Litigation...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Hans Friederiszick, Michael Rauber, Jan 21, 2015 Private antitrust enforcement and cartel damages actions...

Two Concerns Regarding the European Draft Directive On Antitrust Damage Actions

Jeroen Kortmann, Rein Wesseling, Aug 12, 2013 On June 11, 2013, the European Commission published its proposal for a directive on antitrust damage actions in...

A Cost-Cutting Solution to the Discovery Burdens of Antitrust Disputes

 J. Hardy Ehlers, James Bo Pearl, May 13, 2013 Litigating an antitrust case has always been a costly endeavor for all parties involved. Just in...

Private Antitrust Enforcement in Brazil: New Perspectives and Interplay with Leniency

Ana Paula Martinez, Mariana Tavares de Araujo, Apr 16, 2013 Private antitrust enforcement in Brazil has been on the rise over the past five years....

Why Some Platform Businesses Face Many Frivolous Antitrust Complaints and What...

David Evans, Dec 20, 2012 In the last decade a number of internet-based multi-sided platforms have emerged that provide free services to, in some cases,...

Generic Drugmakers Will Challenge Patents Even When They Have a 97%...

Jonathan Gleklen, Kelly Smith, Sep 13, 2012 A striking aspect of the Third Circuit's decision on Hatch-Waxman patent settlements in the K-Dur litigation is the panel's...

Quantifying Antitrust Damages Convergence of Methods Recognized by U.S. Courts and...

Claire Korenblit, Mar 13, 2012 The degree to which plaintiffs pursue antitrust damages actions in the United States and the European Union varies considerably. For...
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