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Tag: Licensing

Refusals to License Patents under Australia’s “New” Unilateral Conduct Prohibition

By Arlen Duke & Rhonda L. Smith (University of Melbourne)*   Both intellectual property (“IP”) and competition policies aim to provide an incentive for creation/innovation. However,...
Colored paper airplanes

The Rise of Precautionary Antitrust: An Illustration with the EU Google...

By Dr. Aurelien Portuese (St Mary’s University London)1 Introduction The Google Android decision2 issued by the European Commission is not only unique in terms of...

Geo-blocking of Audio-visual Services in the EU: Gone with the Wind?

January 2019 CPI EU News Column edited by Thibault Schrepel, Sam Sadden & Jan Roth (CPI) presents: Geo-blocking of Audio-visual Services in the EU: Gone with the...

Proportional Restraints in Horizontal Patent Settlements

Posted by Social Science Research Network Proportional Restraints in Horizontal Patent Settlements   By Erik Hovenkamp & Jorge Lemus  When rivals settle a patent dispute, they prefer to preserve monopoly...

Tying, Exclusivity, and Standard-Essential Patents

Posted by Social Science Research Network Tying, Exclusivity, and Standard-Essential Patents By Erik Hovenkamp (Harvard Law School) Abstract:      When a technological standard is adopted, implementers...

Patent Pool Outsiders

Posted by Social Science Research Network Patent Pool Outsiders By Michael Mattioli (Indiana University) Abstract:      Individuals who decline to join cooperative groups—outsiders—raise concerns in many...

A Comparative and Economic Analysis of the US FTC’s Complaint and...

Posted by Social Science Research Network A Comparative and Economic Analysis of the US FTC's Complaint and the Korea FTC's Decision Against Qualcomm By Koren W....

North Carolina Dental: A Broad Impact on Antitrust Immunity

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Jane Willis, Amy Paul, Apr 27, 2015 In February 2015, the Supreme Court of...

Defining “Reasonable” in RAND: A Bit of Common Sense

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Sean Gates, Mar 16, 2015 What is RAND? It’s a simple question. Given the...

Antitrust and Innovation: Framing Baselines in the Google Book Search Settlement

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Randal Picker, Oct 29, 2009 In this brief note, I address three points. First,...
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