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Tag: Leniency

Are We Winning the Fight Against Cartels?

Jeremy West, Feb 22, 2012 "In the last two decades, the world has seen the proliferation of effective leniency programs, ever-increasing sanctions for cartel offenses,...

Detection and Compliance in Cartel Policy

Daniel Sokol, Sep 28, 2011 In the past few years, companies around the world have spent an increasing amount of resources addressing issues broadly classified...

The Sherman Act’s Criminal Extraterritorial Reach: Unresolved Questions Raised By United...

Anthony Biagioli, Mark Popofsky, Aug 30, 2011 Over the last decade, the Department of Justice's ("DOJ's") vigorous criminal antitrust enforcement-driven by amnesty for the first...

Behavioral Economics as Applied to Firms: A Primer

Mark Armstrong, Steffen Huck, Jan 07, 2011 We discuss the literatures on behavioral economics, bounded rationality, and experimental economics as they apply to firm behavior...

Improving Deterrence of Hard-Core Cartels

Mariana Tavares de Araujo, Nov 05, 2010 The purpose of this paper is to discuss Ginsburg's & Wright's proposal to enhance deterrence of hard-core cartels...

Antitrust Oversight: More an Art than a Craft

Pieter Kalbfleisch, Nov 05, 2010 Would it lead to more effective sanctioning of cartel violations if attention were shifted from sanctioning undertakings to primarily sanctioning...

Comment on Antitrust Sanctions

Nov 05, 2010 In their thoughtful article, Douglas Ginsburg and Joshua Wright make five key points towards enhancing cartel deterrence through increased penalties: Collusion is...

Letter From the Editor

Antitrust authorities have pursued cartels with steadily increasing vigor over the last three decades. Guided in significant part by economics and game theory, authorities...

2003-2010: Brazil’s Anti-Cartel Effort”What’s Next?

Ana Paula Martinez, Jul 14, 2010 According to the OECD 2010 Competition Law & Policy in Brazil-A Peer Review, "Brazil's anti-cartel programme is now widely...

Behavioral Economics as Applied to Firms: A Primer

Mark Armstrong, Steffen Huck, Apr 01, 2010 We discuss the literatures on behavioral economics, bounded rationality, and experimental economics as they apply to firm behavior...
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