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Tag: Legislation

Section 230 Reform in the Era of Big Tech

Section 230 Reform in the Era of “Big Tech”: What Does...

Today, online platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have become the primary means of expression and source of information for many Americans. Since...
Section 230 Reform: A Typology of Platform Power

Section 230 Reform: A Typology of Platform Power

Most Section 230 reformers are motivated by a desire to constrain the power of large technology companies, but many proposals to reform Section 230...
Regulating Internet Services by Size

Regulating Internet Services by Size

In their zeal to curb Big Tech, regulators are crafting legislative reforms that make distinctions between Internet services based on size. A crucial Internet...
What We Talk About When We Talk About Section 230

What We Talk About When We Talk About Section 230

When we talk about Section 230 in a vacuum, separate from antitrust policy, or public utility policy, we miss how it works — or...
Section 230 Protects Speech Not Business Models

Section 230 Protects Speech, Not Business Models

Properly interpreted, Section 230 is not "anticompetitive" because it does not advantage one business or set of businesses over others that operate in the...
Section 230 and the Current Tech Antitrust Debates

Is Content Moderation an Antitrust Issue? Section 230 and the Current...

The internet has been an incredibly powerful tool for enabling users to share a wide variety of content. Some have argued that large online...
Antitrust Section 230 First Amendment

Antitrust, Section 230 & the First Amendment

The First Amendment allows antitrust action against media companies for their business practices, but not for their editorial judgments. Section 230 mirrors this distinction...
Speech Section 230 Implications State Local Governments

Beyond Speech: Section 230 and Its Implications for State and Local...

Section 230’s implications radiate far beyond speech. This essay discusses the ways 230 has affected state and local governments. In particular, it outlines how...
2021, A New Era of Chinese Antitrust Law

2021, A New Era of Chinese Antitrust Law

By Frances Xu & Howard Chan1   China Antitrust Enforcement Round-Up Ever since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (“CPC”), China has gradually...
Economic Evidence and Modern Antitrust

Economic Evidence and Modern Antitrust

The question of the continued relevance, persuasiveness, and sufficiency of economic evidence in assessments of antitrust matters in the digital age has become of...
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