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An Emerging Consensus on Minority Shareholdings?

Oct 24, 2013 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: An Emerging Consensus on Minority Shareholdings? by Alec Burnside (Partner, Cadwalader, Wickersham...

National Competition Authorities in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom: Resources,...

Pierre-Andr Buigues, Roderick Meiklejohn, Aug 26, 2013 Rather than adopting an econometric approach based on a large number of countries, what this paper proposes is...

The June 2013 Landmark Constitutional Amendments to Competition and Telecom Law...

Omar Guerrero Rodriquez, Alan Ramirez Casazza, Aug 26, 2013 This year will be remembered as one of the most important years in modern history for...

One Year After: Premerger Notification Unit in Brazil

Mario Sergio Rocha Gordilho Jr., Carlos Ragazzo, Aug 26, 2013 On November 30, 2011, after a lot of debate in Congress, Brazil's President sanctioned the...

Two Concerns Regarding the European Draft Directive On Antitrust Damage Actions

Jeroen Kortmann, Rein Wesseling, Aug 12, 2013 On June 11, 2013, the European Commission published its proposal for a directive on antitrust damage actions in...

The Damages Lie in the Details: Why the Proposed Directive Fails...

Hans Friederiszick, Aug 12, 2013 One of the two main objectives of the proposed EU Directive ("EU Directive") is to ensure effective compensation of victims...

Cooperation, Convergence, and Conflicts? The Case of EU and National Merger...

Andreas Bardong, Jun 28, 2013 The mantra of international merger control has been cooperation, convergence, and comity. Within the European Union, coherence is another widely...

Private Antitrust Litigation in China The Burden of Proof and Its...

Adrian Emch, Jonathan Liang, Apr 16, 2013 On March 20, 2013, the Guangdong High People's Court issued its verdict in the dispute between two leading...

Private Competition Actions for Damages Under Mexican Law

Omar Guerrero Rodriquez, Alan Ramirez Casazza, Apr 16, 2013 For almost 20 years private enforcement for damages of competition law in Mexico was non-existent. As discussed...

Interim Measures in Greek Competition Law

Lia Vitzilaiou, Mar 19, 2013 The provisions on interim measures of Greek competition law have been the object of much debate and legislative change over...
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