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1- Identifying an Appropriate Legal Framework for Minimum Resale Price Maintenance: Experiences from the EU and the U.S. By Zhu Li

Identifying an Appropriate Legal Framework for Minimum Resale Price Maintenance: Experiences...

Antitrust legal frameworks around the world have long been hostile to minimum resale price maintenance (“RPM”). Contemporary U.S. antitrust law is more hospitable towards...


RPM is one of the hottest areas of competition law in the world. In our last issue we looked at a Chinese landmark case and started...


In this issue: Welcome to the home page of The CPI Antitrust Chronicle (formerly GCP Magazine).  In this issue, we're revisiting an old friend -...


In this issue: China's Antimonopoly Law Adrian Emch, Nov 15, 2007 The New Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law - An Overview On August 30, 2007, the Anti-Monopoly Law...


In this issue: Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc. Mar 27, 2007 Background on: Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc. This case addressed the...

Apr-07(1) & (2)

In this issue: 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome Valentine Korah, Apr 06, 2007 Development of EC Competition Over Its First 50 Years Intervention Reduced On the...

Why the New Evidence on Minimum Resale Price Maintenance Does Not...

Thomas Lambert, Michael Sykuta, Dec 30, 2013 The battle over the proper legal treatment of minimum resale price maintenance continues to rage in the United...

Why the New Evidence on Minimum Resale Price Maintenance Does Not...

Thomas Lambert, Michael Sykuta, Nov 13, 2013 The battle over the proper legal treatment of minimum resale price maintenance continues to rage in the United...

Just What the Doctor Ordered, A Second Opinion for Vertical Price...

Morissa Falk, Jay Himes, Jan 25, 2010 The debate over RPM centers on the fact that vertical price-fixing’s purpose is to increase an item’s price...

(Minimum) Resale Price Maintenance Under the New Guidelines: A Critique and...

Yves Botteman, Kees Jan Kuilwijk, Jun 14, 2010 During its recent revision of rules regarding vertical agreements, which culminated in a revised block exemption for...
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