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Tag: labor law

Labor Board Official Says Noncompetes Violate US Labor Law

On Tuesday, a US labor board official stated that the practice of requiring workers to sign contracts prohibiting them from joining competing companies is...
5-The Antitrust Division and the Potential Implications of a Labor Ruling for Gig Worker Organizing: A Look at the Atlanta Opera Amicus Brief

The Antitrust Division and the Potential Implications of a Labor Ruling...

The Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice’s amicus brief in an appeal before the National Labor Relations Board (the “NLRB” or the “Board”)...
A Proposed Pro-Labor Step for Antitrust

A Proposed Pro-Labor Step for Antitrust

By Russell Pittman1 & Chris Sagers2   Decades of aggressive mergers and acquisitions have concentrated markets, which can impose serious harm, including to the workers whose...

The Duke Model: A performance-based solution for compensating college athletes

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Duke Model: a performance-based solution for compensating college athletes By David A. Grenardo (St. Mary's University) Abstract:      College...

From student-athletes to employee-athletes: why a ‘pay for play’ model of...

Posted by Social Science Research Network From student-athletes to employee-athletes: why a 'pay for play' model of college sports would not necessarily make educational scholarships...
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