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Tag: Killer Acquisitions

Antitrust Chronicle - Killer Acquisitions

The Great Startup Sellout and the Rise of Oligopoly

By:Florian Ederer & Bruno Pellegrino (CLS Blue Sky Blog) Incumbent acquisitions have increased lately, as they allow larger companies to acquire new assets, from...

DOJ’s Gupta Expresses Firm Stance Against “Killer Acquisitions”

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will not shy away from enforcing antitrust laws against so-called “killer acquisitions,” where dominant firms buy start-ups before they...

An Economic Framework for Assessment of Innovation Effects of Nascent Competitor...

By Jay Ezrielev (Elevecon) I propose an economic framework for analyzing innovation effects of nascent competitor acquisitions. The framework identifies nine factors as key determinants...
Analyzing Nascent Competitor Acquisitions Rationally

Analyzing Nascent Competitor Acquisitions Rationally

By John M. Taladay & Jeffrey S. Oliver1   Many recent articles have posited that dominant companies are squelching competition by buying up nascent companies before...
This Chronicle addresses the failing firm defense in merger control. The failing firm defense is frequently invoked, but is seldom successful.

‘How Tech Rolls’: Potential Competition and ‘Reverse’ Killer Acquisitions

By: Cristina Caffarra (OECD On The Level) Agencies are paying more attention than ever to mergers where there is no loss of immediate competition, but...

The Venture Capitalism Business Model for Start-Ups and the Debate on...

By Petros Vinis (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton)1   On August 27, Greece’s PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis congratulated InstaShop, a grocery delivery platform with around 500,000 users...
Rebooting Digital Market Power

Antitrust Law and Digital Markets: A Guide to the European Competition...

By Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson (University of Graz) Leading jurisdictions around the world are debating whether the nature of data-driven digital markets and the smart technologies...
Antitrust Chronicle - Killer Acquisitions

Antitrust Chronicle® – Killer Acquisitions

Dear Readers, What is a killer acquisition? The term was first employed in the pharmaceutical sector to describe acquisitions by an incumbent of a competitor...
“Killer Acquisitions,” Big Tech, and Section 2: A Solution in Search of a Problem

“Killer Acquisitions,” Big Tech, and Section 2: A Solution in Search...

Since the term “killer acquisition” was coined last year, many have moved quickly to declaring a killer-acquisition problem in tech and proposing Section 2...
“How Tech Rolls”: Potential Competition and “Reverse” Killer Acquisitions

“How Tech Rolls”: Potential Competition and “Reverse” Killer Acquisitions

Competition agencies are pivoting towards “loss of potential competition” theories of harm, especially in acquisitions by highly dominant companies of smaller/nascent players offering a...
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