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South Korea: Gov to change law on consumer protection in e-commerce

According to the Korean Herald, South Korea's antitrust chief pledged to overhaul related rules on consumer protection in e-commerce as part of the regulator’s...

South Korea: KFTC believes in revision to fair trade law

South Korea's corporate watchdog chief said Monday, November 26, that the revision to the fair trade law is very important for the impartial implementation...
south korea flag image

Overview of Competition Policy and Law of Korea in 2017

Overview of Competition Policy and Law of Korea in 2017  By LEE Hwang (Korea University School of Law)1 I. OVERVIEW The 19th presidential election held on...

South Korea: Audio giant Dolby under probe

South Korea’s antitrust watchdog has launched a full-scale probe into US audio giant Dolby Laboratories on accusations that it has abused its market position...

South Korea: Praxair-Linde merger takes another step forward

With an October 24 deadline to complete a US$70 billion merger, Linde and Praxair have received conditional approval from South Korea’s Fair Trade Commission...

South Korea: First birthday for the KFTC bureau

The Korean Fair Trade Commission’s (KFTC) Business Group Bureau celebrates its first anniversary this month. In just its first year, the Bureau has collected...

South Korea: Steelmakers fined for conspiring on prices

South Korea's antitrust regulator said it has decided to fine Hyundai Steel and five other steelmakers a combined US$105 million for conspiring to fix...

South Korea: Concerns over “excessive” antitrust probes arise

According to the Korean Times, a growing number of businesses are expressing concerns about the nation’s antitrust agency's decision to give up its exclusive...

South Korea: KFTC gives up exclusive right to file cases

The South Korean Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) has agreed to give up its exclusive rights to file complaints about antitrust cases, such as price...

Korea: KFTC chief says he did not meet with Samsung heir

Korea's Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) Chairman Kim Sang-jo denied his rumored meeting with Samsung Group Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong amid his heightened calls for...
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