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Klobuchar & Kennedy Re-Introduce Journalism Antitrust Bill

Senators Amy Klobuchar and John Kennedy have reintroduced the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, a bipartisan effort to allow local news outlets to negotiate...

Frenemies: Global Approaches To Rebalance The Big Tech v Journalism Relationship

By: Courtney C. Radsch (Tech Tank/Brookings) Big Tech has enabled unparalleled reach, engagement, and innovation in the news media even as the decoupling of advertising...
Is Competition Policy the Right Response to the Crisis of Journalism?

Is Competition Policy the Right Response to the Crisis of Journalism?

By Matteo Giangaspero1   Concerns over how the competitive dynamics of online markets are affecting the sustainability of public interest journalism and the quality of information...

The Future of Innovation in News Production – Transcript

Below, we have provided the full transcript of our panel discussion The Future of Innovation in News Production. Read below to see the timely...

Static vs. Dynamic Antitrust: A Reply

June 2019 Static vs. Dynamic Antitrust: A Reply By John M. Yun (George Mason University)1 Sanjukta Paul and Hal Singer (P&S) responded to my recent CPI Comment,...

Countervailing Coordination Rights in the News Sector Are Good for the...

By Sanjukta Paul & Hal Singer1 Professor John Yun’s recent CPI Column addressing Reps. Cicilline’s and Collins’ proposed Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (“JCPA”) as...

News Media Cartels are Bad News for Consumers

April 2019 News Media Cartels are Bad News for Consumers By John M. Yun (George Mason University)1 Antitrust has two legal standards by which to assess...
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