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Tag: IPRs

Growing Convergence: The Limited Role of Antitrust in Standard Essential Patent Disputes

Growing Convergence: The Limited Role of Antitrust in Standard Essential Patent...

In the last couple of years, the United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and several European countries have reversed previous interventionist decisions and limited...
Standards, Patents and Transparency

Standards, Patents and Transparency

By Dr. Kirti Gupta & Fabian Gonell*   In recent years, the widespread success enjoyed by some technology standards, especially wireless cellular standards, have led policy...
5G FRAND Licensing and EU Competition Law: Analytical Rigor and Persistent Myths

5G, FRAND Licensing, and EU Competition Law: Analytical Rigor and Persistent...

It is now undisputed that 5G and IoT will revolutionize many industries, from energy to healthcare, manufacturing, and mobility. The dissemination of 5G cellular...


In this issue: Last September, we published an issue, sponsored by Guest Editor Paul Lugard, on the EC's Draft Guidelines for Horizontal Agreements. In December,...

Legal Remedies For Patent Infringement: From General Principles To FRAND Obligations...

Richard Epstein, David J. Kappos, Dec 20, 2013 At present, the traditional informal mechanisms for setting FRAND rates for SEPs have come under extensive attack...

Whither Symmetry? Antitrust Analysis of Intellectual Property Rights at the FTC...

Douglas Ginsburg, Joshua Wright, Dec 20, 2013 In modern antitrust law, intellectual property rights (IPRs) are treated like all other forms of property. Beginning with...

Competition, Standards, and Patents

Per Hellstrom, Thomas Kramler, Oct 01, 2012 The interface of competition, standards, and patents has received increased attention over the past few years, in particular...

Intellectual Property Rights Protection Versus Antitrust: Tug of War?

Alexander Kurdin, Andrey Shastitko, Dec 13, 2011 In this paper we consider the relationship between antitrust policy and intellectual property protection under the condition of...

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Comments to the Commission’s...

Jorge Padilla, Feb 11, 2011 This note sets out my comments to Section 7 of the Guidelines on the applicability of Article 101 of the...

Some Observations on the Treatment of Standardization Agreements in the EC...

Mathew Heim, Feb 11, 2011 Guidelines issued by the European Commission can provide an important complement to the modernization of Europe's competition regime. Instituted by...
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