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Huawei v. InterDigital: China at the Crossroads of Antitrust and Intellectual...

Nov 28, 2013 CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: Huawei v. InterDigital: China at the Crossroads of Antitrust and Intellectual...

Standard Setting Organizations Can Help Solve the Standard Essential Patents Licensing...

Kai-Uwe Kuhn, Fiona Scott Morton, Howard Shelanski, Mar 05, 2013   Intellectual property rights were established in both the United States and Europe to protect inventors,...

Revising the Technology Transfer Guidelines

Pierre Regibeau, Katharine Rockett, Apr 30, 2012 We were asked by DG Competition to provide an economic evaluation of the 2004 Technology Transfer Guidelines that...

Patent Wars and Technology Transfer Agreements: Should the EU Rules Change?

Lorenzo Coppi, Stefano Trento, Apr 30, 2012 The European Commission has recently launched a consultation on whether the rules governing intellectual property licensing should be...

Facing New Challenges at the Crossroads Between Competition and Intellectual Property...

Damien Geradin, Hee-Eun Kim, Apr 30, 2012 The Free Trade Agreement between the European Union ("EU") and Korea has been provisionally in force since July...

Revision of the EU Competition Rules on Cooperation in Research &...

Axel Gutermuth, Sep 15, 2010 As part of the pending revision of the EU competition rules on horizontal cooperation agreements, the EU Commission has proposed...

The Standard Setting Process and the European Commission’s Draft Horizontal Guidelines

Julia Holtz, Tero Louko, Sep 15, 2010 This brief commentary focuses on the section on Standardization Agreements in the Draft Guidelines (mainly paragraphs 269 -...

Comments to the Commission’s Draft Horizontal Guidelines”Standardization

Anne Layne-Farrar, Jorge Padilla, Sep 15, 2010 This brief paper sets out our comments on Section 7 of the Draft Guidelines on the applicability of...

The Impact of the Draft EC Horizontal Guidelines on Intellectual Property...

Richard Taffet, Sep 15, 2010 The European Commission's Draft Guidelines on the Application of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European...

Pharmaceutical Patent Settlements – A Presumption in Reverse

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Patrick Harrison, Kristina Nordlander, Aug 13, 2009 On July 8, 2009, the European Commission's...
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