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Tag: iPhone

US: Qualcomm wants iPhone import ban

According to a report from Bloomberg, Apple and Qualcomm are heading to the International Trade Commission to fight over a potential ban on imported...

US: Apple focuses on wireless charging with its latest acquisition

Apple is doubling on wireless charging, the technology that debuted in this year’s iPhone 8 and iPhone X, after it scooped up New Zealand-based...

US: 4 iPhone manufacturers sue Qualcomm

San Diego-based Qualcomm faces a new lawsuit for allegedly violating two sections of the US Sherman Act, filed by four companies that assemble the...

US: Apple aims for more control in chip design

Apple's decision to stop licensing graphics chips from Imagination Technologies Group is the clearest example yet of the iPhone maker's determination to take greater...

Are “Closed Systems” an Antitrust Problem?

Hanno Kaiser, May 20, 2011 Closed computer systems have come under attack as harmful to freedom, innovation, and competition. Open computer systems, in contrast, are said to...
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