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Tag: Interoperability


Minimizing Privacy Risks in Regulating Digital Platforms: Interoperability in the EU...

The EU Digital Markets Act purports to benefit consumers and improve the competitiveness of digital markets. It is likely to have negative and unaddressed...
6- Can Web3 Bring Back Competition to Digital Platforms - Christian Catalini & Scott Duke Kominers

Can WEB3 Bring Back Competition to Digital Platforms?

Like the early Internet, blockchain and Web3 applications promise a new wave of decentralization and competition – yet at the same time, it is...

Antitrust Interoperability Remedies

By Herbert Hovenkamp (University of Pennsylvania) Compelled interoperability can be a useful remedy for dominant firms, including large digital platforms, who violate the antitrust laws....
us eu

Open Access, Interoperability, and the DTCC’s Unexpected Path to Monopoly

By Dan Awrey (Cornell Law School) & Joshua Macey (University of Chicago) In markets with significant scale economies and network effects, scholars and policymakers...
Antitrust Chronicle - Interoperability

Antitrust Chronicle® – Interoperability

Dear Readers, Interoperability has long been a controversial issue in antitrust law and related regulatory disciplines. The concept refers, essentially, to the ability for systems controlled...
Interoperability Prescription Platform Competition

Interoperability: The Wrong Prescription for Platform Competition

In this paper we assess the potential effects of recent proposals to mandate interoperability as a competition remedy for digital platforms. We find that...
Unilateral Conduct Gap Sacrificing Interoperability Innovation

The Unilateral Conduct Gap Sacrificing Interoperability and Innovation

The Sherman Act and related antitrust jurisprudence have proven flexible and capable of balancing competitive effects of virtually any kind of concerted conduct among...
Interoperability Antitrust Law Competition Policy

Interoperability in Antitrust Law & Competition Policy

As the concepts of network effects, tipping, and lock-in have grown in importance with the rise, growth, and current ubiquity of platforms, data analytics,...
Interoperability as a Lens onto Regulatory Paradigms

Interoperability as a Lens onto Regulatory Paradigms

As the world increasingly considers antitrust as a tool for governing and shaping large internet companies, we ask whether traditional antitrust analysis and remedies...
Invigorating Competition Social Networking Interoperability Remedy

Invigorating Competition in Social Networking: An Interoperability Remedy That Addresses Data...

The persistent dominance of Facebook has led many scholars and policymakers to generate proposals to invigorate competition in social networking. In this piece we...
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