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Why Some Platform Businesses Face Many Frivolous Antitrust Complaints and What...

David Evans, Dec 20, 2012 In the last decade a number of internet-based multi-sided platforms have emerged that provide free services to, in some cases,...

Network Neutrality & Antitrust

Kevin Coates, Mar 30, 2012 The concern underlying the network neutrality debate is that owners of consumer broadband data networks-initially wired networks, but now also...

Traffic Management: The Respective Roles of Competition Law and Regulation

Frank Maier-Rigaud, Mar 30, 2012 The internet traffic prioritization, traffic management, or network neutrality debate (however it is labeled) fundamentally centers on the question of...

Network Neutrality or Minimum Quality? Barking Up the Wrong Tree and...

Timothy Brennan, Mar 29, 2012 U.S. telecommunications regulation has long been characterized by contentious disputes. Pricing, subsidies, and legal authority to regulate have certainly been...

Solving Net Neutrality: Regulation, Antitrust, Or More Competition

Gerald Faulhaber, Mar 29, 2012 Since net neutrality first appeared in policy debates, its meaning has been less than crystal clear. Some advocates have argued...

Net Neutrality in the United States and Europe

Jan Kramer, Christof Weinhardt, Lukas Wiewiorra, Mar 29, 2012 The Net Neutrality ("NN") movement essentially believes that the traditions of the internet ecosystem should not...

Conflict and Coordination Between Sectoral Regulation and Competition Law Enforcement in...

Li Huiying, Jan 25, 2012 As competition for Chinese internet information services is getting fiercer, violations of the law have also gradually increased. For example,...

Journalism, Competition, and the Digital Transition

Oliver Bethell, Matthew Bye, May 17, 2011 This article considers the role of competition law and policy in shaping the news industry's digital transition. It begins...

Are “Closed Systems” an Antitrust Problem?

Hanno Kaiser, May 20, 2011 Closed computer systems have come under attack as harmful to freedom, innovation, and competition. Open computer systems, in contrast, are said to...

DOJ v. Realtors: Back in the Ring

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle J. Bruce McDonald, Jul 10, 2008 The question is not "will" but "when" will...
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