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Tag: Interim Measures

Interim Measures in Unilateral Conduct Cases

Interim Measures in Unilateral Conduct Cases: Dealing with Uncertainty and Risks...

By Caio Mario S. Pereira Neto1   As pointed out in the OECD’s recent Background Note (OECD 2022), interim measures are an important tool designed to...
Interim Measures Remedy Deal Price Gouging COVID-19

Interim Measures: A Remedy to Deal with Price Gouging in the...

Interim measures are cease-and-desist orders that can be issued when there is an imminent risk of serious and irreparable harm to competition. The adoption...

EU: EC’s interim measures may change Big Tech’s antitrust strategies

Big tech used to be able to stall for time when dealing with EU antitrust cases. The tactic may not work for much longer,...
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