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Tag: Interchange Fees

Card Payment

Are Payment Card Systems’ Multilateral Interchange Fees Anticompetitive by Object under...

By Csongor István Nagy (University of Szeged)1   I. Background Hungarian banks fixed the interchange fee to be used in the two major payment card systems (MasterCard...

 EU Publishes Study On The Application Of Interchange Fees Regulation

The European Commission has published a study on the application of the Interchange Fees Regulation (IFR) for card-based payment transactions.  The study, which was commissioned...

UK: MasterCard gets class action lawsuit dismissed

The UK’s Competition Appeal Tribunal ruled on July 21 to block a £14 billion class action lawsuit against MasterCard. The lawsuit claimed that the credit...

UK: MasterCard wins court ruling on interchange fees

Mastercard is celebrating a high court ruling in its favor in a lawsuit brought on by some of the UK’s top retailers regarding interchange...

Competition Policy and Regulation in Credit Card Markets: Insights from Single-sided...

Dennis Carlton, Ralph Winter, Jan 30, 2015 This paper reexamines the economics of two common features of credit card networks: the interchange fee paid by...

How the Proposed Payments Legislation Will Restrain Competition Among Payment Card...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle David Evans, Oct 15, 2014 The European Parliament, in early April 2014, endorsed and...

What the Court’s Expert in the Interchange Fee Litigation Said about...

David Evans, Sep 10, 2013   Last week a court appointed expert in the interchange fee litigation in the United States submitted a memorandum that evaluated...

Durbin’s Folly: The Erratic Course of Debit Card Markets

Richard Epstein, Dec 22, 2011 The passage of the Durbin Amendment in July, 2010 followed extensive claims by Senator Durbin and retailers that the only...

Payment Card Regulation and the Use of Economic Analysis in Antitrust

Jean Tirole, Mar 30, 2011 A key input of our modern economies, payment cards are ubiquitous; debit and credit cards offer a wide range of alternatives...

Payment Card Regulation and the Use of Economic Analysis in Antitrust

Jean Tirole, May 20, 2011 To view a streaming, live presentation on June 15 of the special CPI/Pymnts Brussels conference on The Impact of Interchange...
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