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How More Regulation for US Tech Could Backfire

Posted by Social Science Research Network By Larry Downes How More Regulation for U.S. Tech Could Backfire If 2017 was the year that tech became a lightning...

Transaction Costs, Externalities and Innovation

By Fernando Estrada (Universidad Externado de Colombia) & Natalia Diaz There is now considerable evidence on the value of using external resources to promote the development...

Is Standardization for Autonomous Cars Around the Corner?: Antitrust and IP...

By Shervin Pishevar Given the recent focus on self-driving cars, it is only a matter of time before the industry begins to consider setting technical...

Collusion with Public and Private Ownership and Innovation

Posted by Social Science Research Network Collusion with Public and Private Ownership and Innovation By Arnoud W. A. Boot & Vladimir N. Vladimirov (University of Amsterdam) Abstract: ...

Antitrust and the Design of Production

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust and the Design of Production By Herbert J. Hovenkamp (University of Pennsylvania) Abstract:      Both economics and antitrust policy...

Patent Pool Outsiders

Posted by Social Science Research Network Patent Pool Outsiders By Michael Mattioli (Indiana University) Abstract:      Individuals who decline to join cooperative groups—outsiders—raise concerns in many...

Reasonable Patent Exhaustion

Posted by Social Science Research Network Reasonable Patent Exhaustion By Herbert J. Hovenkamp (University of Pennsylvania) Abstract:      A lengthy tug of war between the Supreme...

Assessing Innovation Effects in US Merger Policy: Theory, Practice, Recent Discussions,...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Assessing Innovation Effects in US Merger Policy: Theory, Practice, Recent Discussions, and Perspectives By Wolfgang Kerber & Benjamin René Kern...
U.S. / EU Antitrust Friction In The Time Of Brexit: Toward A Rosier Scenario?

U.S. / EU Antitrust Friction In The Time Of Brexit: Toward...

By Andreas Mundt - Digitalization is revolutionizing all sectors of the economy. This is a challenging development not only for the business community but also for...
The Emerging High-Court Jurisprudence On The Antitrust Analysis Of Multisided Platforms

The Emerging High-Court Jurisprudence On The Antitrust Analysis Of Multisided Platforms

By David S. Evans - Between September 2014 and September 2016 high courts in multiple jurisdictions released five decisions that address applying competition law to matchmakers...
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