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Regulatory Sandbox and Competition of Financial Technologies in Taiwan

Regulatory Sandbox and Competition of Financial Technologies in Taiwan By Andy C. M. Chen (Chung Yuan Christian University)1 Financial technology, or “FinTech” for short, has...
FTC, Federal Trade Commission

Recommendations Following the FTC’s October 2018 Hearings on IP and Innovation

October 2018 Recommendations Following the FTC’s October 2018 Hearings on IP and Innovation By Koren W. Wong-Ervin & Dr. Georgios Effraimidis1 On October 23-24, 2018, the U.S. Federal...

US: Delrahim delivers remarks on antitrust & innovation in the digital...

In remarks delivered at the University of Haifa in Israel on Wednesday, October 17, the US Department of Justice’s Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim...

Antitrust laws must promote the true driver of growth: innovation

Post by The Hill Antitrust laws must promote the true driver of growth: innovation By David J. Teece The goal underpinning US antitrust law is to promote...

Proportional Restraints in Horizontal Patent Settlements

Posted by Social Science Research Network Proportional Restraints in Horizontal Patent Settlements   By Erik Hovenkamp & Jorge Lemus  When rivals settle a patent dispute, they prefer to preserve monopoly...

Innovation by Dominant Firms in the Market: Damned If You Don’t…...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Innovation by Dominant Firms in the Market: Damned If You Don't... But Damned If You Do? By Francisco Marcos (IE...

Innovation by Dominant Firms in the Market: Damned If You Don’t…...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Innovation by Dominant Firms in the Market: Damned If You Don't... But Damned If You Do? By Francisco Marcos Innovation is key...

Killer Acquisitions

Posted by Social Science Research Network Killer Acquisitions By Colleen Cunningham, Florian Ederer & Song Ma Firms have incentives to acquire innovative targets to discontinue the development of the targets'...

Vertical Mergers and Entrepreneurial Exit

Posted by Social Science Research Network Vertical Mergers and Entrepreneurial Exit By D. Daniel Sokol The idea that tech companies should be permitted to acquire nascent start-ups is...

Market definition in a rapidly changing (digital) world: the case of...

June 2018 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: Market definition in a rapidly changing (digital) world: the case of...
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