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No Exit: A Threat to Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation

By Devin Reilly, D. Daniel Sokol & David Toniatti1   In the revised “Digital Markets Strategy” published in February 2021, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority...
Recapturing the Business Side of Innovation in Antitrust Merger Analysis

Recapturing the Business Side of Innovation in Antitrust Merger Analysis

The antitrust laws were not passed as an academic exercise. They were passed to break up the great Trusts, and to preserve competition. These...
Disruptive Innovations Digital Platforms Epic Games Apple Rappi iFood

Disruptive Innovations on Digital Platforms: Lessons from Epic Games v....

By Victor Oliveira Fernandes*   Invoking core insights from theories of disruptive innovation in order to explain competition among digital platforms has become commonplace in competition...

New Data City: The future of the digital CBD as a...

By Jason Potts & Trent MacDonald (RMIT Universit) The growth of the digital economy and advances in AI make data an increasingly useful and valuable...
Effects Based Approach is Required if the DMA is to Foster Innovation

A More Flexible, Effects Based Approach is Required if the DMA...

By Felipe Florez Duncan & Gareth Shier1   In a recent “myth-busters” post on LinkedIn, Thierry Breton claims (in reference to the Digital Markets Act, “DMA”)...
Unilateral Conduct Gap Sacrificing Interoperability Innovation

The Unilateral Conduct Gap Sacrificing Interoperability and Innovation

The Sherman Act and related antitrust jurisprudence have proven flexible and capable of balancing competitive effects of virtually any kind of concerted conduct among...

An Economic Framework for Assessment of Innovation Effects of Nascent Competitor...

By Jay Ezrielev (Elevecon) I propose an economic framework for analyzing innovation effects of nascent competitor acquisitions. The framework identifies nine factors as key determinants...

Taking Ecosystems Competition Seriously in the Digital Economy: A (Preliminary) Dynamic...

By Nicolas Petit (European University Institute) & David Teece (Institute for Business Innovation) This paper discusses digital ecosystems. It first describes the common properties of...
The Opportunities and Limits of Data Portability for Stimulating Competition and Innovation

The Opportunities and Limits of Data Portability for Stimulating Competition and...

Data portability has a hybrid nature. What emerged as a data protection concept is now also becoming part of policies aiming to stimulate competition...
The Failing Firm Defense Times of (the COVID-19) Crisis

Acquisition Killed the Innovation Star?

By: Chris Pike (OECD On The Level) Start-ups play a vital role in competitive markets. They are a key source of new ideas and products, disruptive...
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