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Tag: Hospitals


Are Hospital Acquisitions with COPA Authorization Exempt from HSR Pre-Merger Notification?

By:  Marc Schildkraut (Antitrust Advocate) The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has suffered several recent setbacks concerning its regulatory authority. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled...

Feds Sues To Stop LCMC Purchase Of Three Tulane Hospitals

On Thursday, the US Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit against Louisiana Children's Medical Center for not reporting their acquisition of three competing hospitals,...
7- Evolving Antitrust Analysis of Hospital Mergers: How Differences between Patient and Insurer Perspectives Could Create “Cross-Market” Effects

Evolving Antitrust Analysis of Hospital Mergers: How Differences between Patient and...

Mergers that expand healthcare systems, even when they combine providers that are unlikely to compete for inpatient discharges, are increasingly under scrutiny. Empirical academic...

When the Antitrust Laws May Not Allow Healthcare Providers to Pursue...

Jeffrey Brennan, Ashley Fischer, David Marx, Jul 17, 2012 As hospitals and health systems continue to prepare for value-based reimbursement and other reforms of the...
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