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Tag: Horizontal Guidelines

The EU’s Draft Horizontal Guidelines: Chilling Innovation on Sustainability?

The EU’s Draft Horizontal Guidelines: Chilling Innovation on Sustainability?

By Jay Modrall1   In response to demand from customers, investors, employees and other stakeholders, as well as new legal requirements, businesses face huge pressure...


In this issue: This issue, organized by guest editor Paul Lugard, takes an indepth look at the pending revision of the EU competition rules on...

Information Exchanges and Competition Law: A Few Comparative Law Thoughts

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Pedro Callol, Nov 11, 2014 Information exchanges between competitors have been an object of...

The new EU Competition Rules for Co-operation Between Competitors of December...

Donncadh Woods, Feb 14, 2011 On December 14, 2010, the European Commission adopted revised EU competition rules for production agreements, research and development agreements, and...

The Revised EU Competition Rules for Production and R&D Agreements Create...

Axel Gutermuth, Feb 14, 2011 On December 14, 2010, the European Commission adopted revised EU competition rules for production agreements, research and development agreements, and...

Escaping Effects Analysis: The Commission’s New Approach to Restrictions by Object

Lars Kjolbye, Feb 11, 2011 The Commission must be commended for having issued new Guidelines on horizontal cooperation agreements that, in terms of the analytical...

The EC Commission’s Review of the EU Competition Rules on Horizontal...

Paul Lugard, Jan 07, 2011 It is no wonder that the revisions of the block exemption regulations for research and development agreements and specialization agreements,...

The EC Commission’s Review of the EU Competition Rules on Horizontal...

Paul Lugard, Sep 15, 2010 It is no wonder that the revisions of the block exemption regulations for research and development agreements and specialization agreements,...

Revision of the EU Competition Rules on Cooperation in Research &...

Axel Gutermuth, Sep 15, 2010 As part of the pending revision of the EU competition rules on horizontal cooperation agreements, the EU Commission has proposed...
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