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Tag: Horizontal Agreements

Antitrust Enforcement in the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products Industry in China

Antitrust Enforcement in the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products Industry in China

B The pharmaceutical and medical products industry in China has seen high levels of antitrust enforcement activity from 2015 onwards. This article takes stock of...
Information Exchange

Information Exchange among Competitors: The Lay of the Land of Enforcement...

Information Exchange among Competitors: The Lay of the Land of Enforcement in Brazil1 By Ana Paula Martinez2 & Mariana Tavares de Araujo3 (Levy & Salomão Advogados) I....

Lithuania: Cemetery maintenance cartel fined

Lithuanian competition regulator Konkurencijos taryba found that in the public tender of Vilnius city cemetery maintenance services, the firms belonging to the group of...

Collusion: Is it Really that Bad?

Posted by Social Science Research Network Collusion: Is it Really that Bad? By Adriaan Ten Kate Sr. Abstract:     Collusion, particularly collusion is in the form of...

Pleading, Discovering, and Proving a Sherman Act Agreement: Harmonizing Twombly and...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Pleading, Discovering, and Proving a Sherman Act Agreement: Harmonizing Twombly and Matsushita By William H. Page (University of Florida) Abstract:  ...

Cartel Detection and Duration Worldwide, II

John M. Connor, Sep 28, 2011 In the old days-before price-fixing became illegal nearly everywhere-cartels operated in the public sphere. In some cases, the formation...


In this issue: Our Autumn 2010 issue has cartels as its primary focus. Doug Ginsburg & Josh Wright argue for increasing punishment to the business...

Review of Elhauge & Geradin´s Global Competition Law and Economics

Nov 05, 2007 Professors Einer Elhauge and Damien Geradin begin the preface to their new casebook, Global Competition Law and Economics, by observing that no...

Trade Associations—Under the Spotlight for Competition Enforcement

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Sep 30, 2015 The Competition Ordinance, Hong...

Antitrust Compliance 2.0: The Use of Structural Analysis and Empirical Screens...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Elizabeth Prewitt, Jun 30, 2015 Collusion among bidders is a recurring problem...
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