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5-Adapting Merger Guidelines To A Digital Environment By Mark A. Jamison

Adapting Merger Guidelines to a Digital Environment

Contemporary merger guidelines are heavily dependent on empirical observations of past and present markets. This feature makes the guidelines inadequate for addressing market power...

The Broader Implications of Merger Remedies in High Technology Markets

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Daniel Sokol, Dec 16, 2014 Merger remedies are an area of increasing complexity around...

Evidence-Based Antitrust Enforcement in the Technology Sector

Joshua Wright, Mar 04, 2013 This article is based on a presentation of remarks presented on February 23, 2013 at the inauguration of the ICT...

Google, IBM, SAP, and The Others: Is the European Commission Targeting...

Lorenzo Coppi, Jan 27, 2011 The European Commission has recently opened an antitrust investigation in connection to Google's commercial practices. This is just the last...

A Brief Note on U.S. and EC Competition Policies and Their...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle C. Boyden Gray, Jul 12, 2008 Although U.S. and EC antitrust law have converged...
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