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Market Concentration in Europe: Evidence from Antitrust Markets

By Pauline Affeldt & Tomaso Duso (German Institute for Economic Research), Klaus Gugler (Vienna University), Joanna Piechucka (Paris School of Economics) An increasing body of...

Japan: HHI-DSME takeover causes concern

Amid the growing political and economic row between South Korea and Japan, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) faces fresh concerns over its decision to acquire...

New Antitrust Realism

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Maurice Stucke, Jan 20, 2009 There is no shortage of speculation about competition policy...

The FTC and DOJ’s Horizontal Guidelines Review Project: What Changes Might...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Mary Coleman, Dec 16, 2009 As part of the FTC and DOJ's Horizontal Guidelines...

The FTC’s Stacked Deck under Section 13(b): Does CCC Holdings Herald...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Thomas Lambert, Apr 30, 2009 The outcome of the district court's decision in FTC...
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