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In Search of Antitrust Guidance and Safe Harbors for Accountable Care...

Gregory Pelnar, Mar 30, 2011 An Accountable Care Organization ("ACO") is "an organization of health care providers that agrees to be accountable for the quality,...

Antitrust Implications of Clinically-Integrated Managed Care Contracting Networks and Accountable Care...

Ashley Fischer, David Marx, Oct 11, 2010 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("PPACA") established various mechanisms to make healthcare providers more accountable for...

Are Clinically Integrated Physician Networks Candy-Coated Cartels?

Gregory Pelnar, Oct 11, 2010 Are "clinically integrated" physician networks that jointly contract with third-party payors such as Blue Cross little more than "candy-coated" cartels?...

The Interplay Between Competition and Clinical Integration: Why the Antitrust Agencies...

Gregory Vistnes, Oct 11, 2010 The Affordable Care Act provides for the formation of Accountable Care Organizations ("ACOs"). These ACOs will be composed of health...

Clinical Integration: Linchpin of Real Reform

Melinda Hatton, Oct 11, 2010 During the year-long debate over health care reform, removing barriers to clinical integration received far less attention than it should...

Federal Courts and Enforcers Diagnose Physician Practice Associations with Risk of...

Heather Cooper, Oct 11, 2010 Thanks to a recent federal district court decision, physicians and medical staff have more reason to think twice about price...

Reviving Competition in Healthcare Markets: The Use of Section 5 of...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle David Balto, Nov 12, 2008 The Federal Trade Commission's ("FTC") powers under Section 5...

French Competition Council vs. GSK France: who is the predator?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Jeremy de Douhet, Axel Schulz, Jun 14, 2007 This article was originally published in...
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