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US: DOJ and FTC update antitrust guidelines for international enforcement

The Department of Justice Antitrust Division (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (the “Agencies”) issued updated Antitrust Guidelines for International Enforcement and Cooperation (“International...

CPI Talks: Interview with José María Marín, President of the Spanish...

In this issue, CPI interviews President José María Marín about hot debated issues in Spain and Europe like new business models and the sharing...


In this issue: Revising the Merger Guidelines Malcolm Coate, Joseph Simons, Dec 16, 2009 Critical Loss vs. Diversion Analysis: Clearing up the Confusion There is considerable...


In this issue: In April, the Mexican CFC (Competition Commission) celebrated its first official competition day focusing on issues of guidance and transparency. In honor...


In this issue: Competition authorities are looking hard at the economic theories that underlie the empirical analysis they use when evaluating mergers. With their recent...

U.S.-China Antitrust Cooperation: Onward and Upward

Dina Kallay, Feb 28, 2011 This brief note highlights some ongoing antitrust cooperation between the United States and China. Over the past twenty years, the...


In this issue: Last September, we published an issue, sponsored by Guest Editor Paul Lugard, on the EC's Draft Guidelines for Horizontal Agreements. In December,...

Schizophrenia in the Commission’s Article 82 Guidance Paper: Formalism Alongside Increased...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle James Killick, Assimakis Komninos, Feb 05, 2009 The publication by the European Commission of...


In this issue: Analyzing the Article 82 Guidance Paper Brian Sher, Feb 11, 2009 Leveraging Non-Contestability: Exclusive Dealing and Rebates under the Commission's Article 82...


In this issue: On April 20, 2010 the Commission adopted a new Block Exemption Regulation applicable to vertical agreements. At the same time, it adopted...
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